Raising Kashrus Awareness
Donation protected
Educating The Kosher Consumer
The best way to keep kosher at home is by learning the halachos that one needs to know... And then there is shopping in the supermarket.
Kashrus: Be In The Know was created with the intention to increase Kashrus awareness and provide consumers with a knowledge of basic halacha, as well as important information regarding how foods are made and processed. With this information, it is our hope to help people in making educated choices when buying products.
Although the classes are given by Rabbis who both work in respectable hashgachos, and have a depth of knowledge in Halacha as well as the food industry, it does not in any way replace asking questions to a Rav. Rather, it presents the awareness to even know what to ask.
To date, we have over 1,800 people receiving our classes! With each class, there is time, effort, and research done to give over practical information to kosher consumers.
Please partner with us to help us continue spreading Kashrus awareness to hundreds of people.
Visit our website to learn more! kashrusbeintheknow.com
L. Rosen
Brooklyn, NY