Leticia wants to study Pharmacy in Uganda. Can you help?
Leticia is a Ugandan student who despite considerable adversity is on the cusp of starting a university course in Pharmacy. She has been helped by a UK charity called Helping Uganda Schools, (www.helpingugandaschools.org) since 2018 when she and her mother were looking for work as cleaners. Leticia shared that she was the top of her class at primary school but her mother could not pay school fees and she had to drop out of secondary school.
Her Father died in 2012 leaving her mum with five children to raise. In Uganda only 1:4 girls go to secondary school and fewer than half complete their studies.
In 2020 she obtained a first-degree pass at her O levels and chose to study Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Computer Science. Schools in Uganda use Cambridge Board O and A level exams, so they are identical to the qualifications gained in the UK.
In 2021 Leticia faced another challenge, She was diagnosed as having epilepsy. However, she worked hard, re-sat her lower 6th year and completed her A levels in December 2023. She has just applied for a BSc in Pharmacy at the Institute of Allied health and Management Sciences at Mulago University (Uganda) and has been accepted.
Her course fees are £1000 a year for three years.
She will work to afford her accommodation and her living expenses.
She is an exceptional person. Can you help?
Helping Uganda Schools (HUGS)