Help Joe Ruffalo Beat Cancer
Donation protected

While we have resisted the call to set up a campaign the reality of what we are about to face is becoming clearer and we need your help.
This purpose of this campaign is to help mom and dad (Joe and Judy) with expenses above and beyond their normal operating costs. These expenses include : in-home nursing, therapy, transportation to and from appointments, minor home maintenance, specialized food costs including grocery delivery fees, household management and specialized second opinions which insurance does not cover.
Dad has always been a fighter and is in good spirits, although very tired. I know many of you want to reach out and wish him well. The family, my mom, brother Jim and I, as well as his brother’s and sister’s appreciate this outpouring. For the time being I am asking that you do not call him. It is not that he doesn’t want to hear from you, but he needs to rest and quite frankly I have woken him up far too many times myself.
In lieu of phone calls I have created a special website and email address where you can send him well wishes. Feel free to share a funny story or moment, an accomplishment or something positive about your life. Dad loves to hear that. My aunt Jane along with myself will be reading these to him on a frequent basis. We may not be able to respond directly to everyone, but rest assured he will get your message.
Website: www.wishjoewell.com
Dad's Bio on the National Federation of the Blind website click here

Joey Ruffalo
Bloomfield, NJ