Fund the Work! Don't Just Talk About It Fundraiser
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Hi, my name is Angela L. Johnson, and I am the Executive Director of INNERVERSE INC. We are launching an ambitious fundraiser campaign, "Fund the Work! Don't Just Talk About It." We accomplished our goals for this first quarter, and in doing so, we learned it is expensive to save the world! Creating impactful, relevant and entertaining activities where middle schoolers can discover who they are in application to future planning is neither easy nor cost-friendly!
We know you can give to a well-established non-profit, but we invite you to give to INNERVERSE INC! This new organization has accomplished more at the hands of 3 impassioned co-founders within the first eight months of incorporation than most well-known non-profits. We intend to do more next year; this is where your contribution is needed. At this time, we are not after volunteers or in-kind donations. To properly execute INNERVERSE's goals for 2023, we require financial resources. We will put your $$$ to good use, and you will see the impact of your support through our upcoming 2023 activities.
Watch us work! Click here for INNERVERSE IN ACTION!
1. Off-set the costs for student participation in INNERVERSE's "Ivy League To Your
Soul" Spring and Summer Camps 2023.
2. Support the development of our organization's infrastructure.
- Personal Development & Self Identity - ~250 seventh & eighth graders at Sanchez Middle Schools broadened their vocabulary to include positive value words to describe who they are. When asked, "Who are you?" students now respond with positive identity statements such as I am "Peace"; "Loyal"; "Creative"; "Influential"; "Optimistic", showing an increase of 75% of students who went from using 0-2 words to > 5 words.
- Empowerment - ~250 seventh & eighth graders identified their values & virtues as north stars for character development and behavior alignment with a Chris Rock & Will Smith Oscar slap debate.
- Post-Secondary Exposure TSU College Trip - 48 seventh & eighth graders enjoyed their first tour of a college campus and experienced life as a freshman attending an HBCU.
- Community & Family Healing "Re-Calibrate, Reset...Go!" 2 Day Conference - 10 families of parents and students strengthened their relationships with interactive activities that replaced their fears, regrets and past mistakes with their values, virtues and hope for the future. Activities included: Conscious Career Speed Dating, Conscious Career & Community Project Design Practicum, and Bridging our Future Together.
- Expand our impact to increase student participation in our summer and spring camps by 100%.
- Hire two full-time facilitators for INNERVERSE Schools.
- Partner with three like-minded, youth focused non-profit organizations and collaborate for two new innovative events.
I am a seasoned educator with over 15 years of experience and have observed that the students I serve in "Title 1" schools struggle not just because of academic challenges. They are stumbling because middles school is naturally the developmental stage where they are "finding" themselves. We need human nature-based learning standards that address this in a meaningful way. The opportunity to learn "who they are" physiologically, physically, and psychologically in the same consistent manner as they are required to understand Math is imperative for healthy development. Students who define who they are through the experience of middle school alone, and without much agency, suffer through their decisions, some with long-term consequences. We are doing something about this. INNERVERSE was created with our children in mind. We empower our students to make the healthiest choices for their future.
We establish three holistic principles of "self-awareness", "self-mastery", and "transcendence" as the pillars for our teaching model, designed to:
1. Create ownership and agency of the middle school experience.
2. Inspire consciously aligned post secondary decision-making capabilities.
3. Improve student engagement & behavior in class.
We blend these principles with practical, interactive COLLEGE, CAREER, and MILITARY READINESS (CCMR) activities to allow students to organize their gifts into a healthy future.
We are Mothers and Educators who believe that children are the future! In 2020, 3 women agreed to design a proactive curriculum approach that addresses low student engagement and the lack of authentic, positive social experiences for middle schoolers. We set out to define a model that enlists young adults’ participation in their self-discovery, believing lack of sovereignty, coupled with the naturally complex process of adolescent development, is partly the cause of many frustrations experienced at this level. INNERVERSE is the only woman and minority-owned education non-profit that empowers their authority over the journey into adulthood.

Angela Johnson
Houston, TX