Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Funds for Rohingya in Bangladesh Refugee Camps

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UPDATE: Another fire broke out on 18th April at a CODEC Learning Center for children. 47 more shelters have been destroyed and 3 schools burnt to ashes. Our partners sent us this message from a victim, indicating their ongoing need for help. Read the story of a recent fire victim here.

On 5th March, catastrophic fires swept across Cox's Bazar refugee camps in Bangladesh, leaving tens of thousands homeless.

More than one million Rohingya live in the camps and are continuing to flee the ongoing violence in Myanmar. It has been nearly six years since the camps were established and for many, these camps represent the only option that can be called home. Following the fires, now thousands do not even have that. They lack shelter and basic necessities of food, water and healthcare.

Conditions in the camps continue to worsen. This month the World Food Programme cut food support down from $12 per month to $10. Every year, more lives are taken by the armed groups, who are believed to have purposely started the fires in an attempt to obtain ‘dominance’. Safety and security are continuously being stripped away.

As a result, INHR a US-based 501 (c)3 non-profit in consultative status with the UN, is working with camp-based Rohingya leaders, including the head of the co-ordinating school groups, to campaign for donations to fund emergency relief following the recent fires and reduction of food assistance. Your donations will support victims of the fires, contributing to providing them with shelters, blankets and basic services that are their human rights. These challenges are not covered enough by the news and media. The suffering of the Rohingya cannot be ignored.

Thank you for your help.
To find out more about our human rights organisation, please visit https://inhr.org Twitter: @INHRGeneva

Inzamelingsactieteam: (3)

Holland, MI
Eric Richardson
Team member
Mia Gray
Team member

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