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Help for the Phillips

Spende geschützt
This is to raise money for a dear friend, Candy Phillips and family. Tragically her son, Derrek Phillips, was taken from us, Fri. Sept. 20th. There is no insurance to help with final expenses. For those who have asked what they can do, this is a place to start. Thank you all very much for your donations and or beautiful, loving comments.


  • Renee Adkins
    • $25
    • 11 yrs
  • Mary Bonner
    • $20 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Brenda Taylor
    • $10 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Linda Blankenship
    • $6 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Gale Atkinson
    • $10 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs


Jena McDonald
Trussville, AL

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