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Help the Zammetts After the Fire

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Due to a devastating fire that severely damaged most of their home, Connie Jimenez Zammett, her husband Chris, and their young children Genevieve and Jonas have moved to temporary housing. They've been told they need to stay there for 9-12 months during repairs. The contents of their attic and two cars are a complete loss. Connie is well-known for her dedication, kindness, and generosity as a longtime high school art educator, leader within the AP Studio Art community, artist, friend, and mom.  Please join us in letting Connie and her family know they have our support during this tough time, and give what you can to help them rebuild their lives. Thank you for your compassion and generosity!


  • Michelle Cobb
    • $35
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Wendy James
Gainesville, FL
Connie Zammett

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