On Mid Gaza, A-Ftah Family need Support to Survive
My name is Mousa, from Gaza and live on germany, i'm trying to raise funds for my friend and his family -they can't keep and hold on within Gaza and what are happening there,
Kindly see messege below from Abdelftah himself:
Hey, it's Abdelftah, i'm a five war survivor, i'm writing this messege from the middle of Gaza, where i grew up, and where i seeded the memories of my life which were demolished in this more than 9 months war. The starvation has gradually return, there is no healthy food, no clean water, no medicine to help our neglected injured, (with absent of doctors).
I used to live with my wife, mira and Habiba daughters, my parents and my
brothers in a small house, until my two sisters with their families in law evacuate to the middle of gaza, then their houses on Gaza are completely burned during israeli invasion. So they have stayed with us as thdy have no other shelter,
Najah family 4 youngs and 5 kids, Mariam has 2 youngs and 3 kids.
I managed to buy canned food from my savings, as pass alot of savings after 9 months, that if you have (without exaggeration) one hundred thousand dollar u will spend it with debits, because of the continuous interuption and lack of goods, that the reason of make prices expensive, or not available on market, with new born (habiba), covering expenses and spendings for my family, it was not easy to live with these conditions, until all my savings are finished, without any work since 9 months,
Actually i feel ashamed to do this because i used to work, i refused to make gofundme campaign until all are finished for me, and certainly to seek any help or assitance before,
But on these difficult days and after 9 months without incomes, with hard conditions, i have to do anything possible to save my family 32 members, 19 of them have been evacuated to our houses,
Events that happened with us during 9 months if can remember,
-My 64 year-old mother injured with fragment on his foot, after israel airstrike bombs my nigthbour house and part of our house is devastated.
-My nephew 10 year-old Yazan injured with same of targeting.
-My 66 year-old father injured on his hand and cyst by fragment that sit instead of his finger bone, and until now' we are looking for someone treat my father.
-We evacuated two times on Rafah then dier al balah, after alnusiyrat invasion.
- In several times, i have survived from bombardment that was near by me.
The use of these funds will be for:
-15000$ which could be enough for healthy food for my wife, my dad, my mom, after injured, 100$ for 1kilo of meal or chicken with insuring 2 months for patients
Blankets and clothes for all of us.
Medicines for my parents that are suffered blood pressure, heart patient father, especially due to the lack of healthcare and food in the middle caused by the israeli invasion.
-5000$ to buy
Four solar panels, each one 700$
Inverter 1000$
2 batteries each one 1000$
To power our house after nine months of the electricity cut and to have the ability to charge our devices which make us online with the world.
-10000$ for repair of our house, so we can peacly live on it.
-20000$ to help rebuild our lives from scratch, if we can.
Every minute spent here risks losing a family member due to continuous bombardment, hunger, or lack of medical care. Therefore, we plead for your assistance through donations or by spreading our message to those who can contribute to saving our lives.
I have not lost my faith in you and your humanity.
Thank you for your genersity on these desperate times.