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EATS On Ponce Needs Your Support!

Spende geschützt

We are all fighting this collective catastrophe together! We take the safety of our EATS community very serious and the spread of COVID-19 has forced us to close until further notice. Left with no choice and minimal resources, this necessary measure of safety has resulted in the most difficult and gut-wrenching decision we have had to make in all our 27 years of business. It is with great pain that as of March 20, 2020 our entire staff has been laid off until this crisis passes.

We consider EATS, all of our employees and patrons, to be part of the same fabulous family. It's what makes EATS, EATS. This why we are reaching out to our beloved guests, family, and friends of EATS to raise money to help our staff during these difficult times. Their livelihood has been utterly destroyed by this pandemic. So please, please, please, give what you can spare. We have such a genuine and empathic crew of people who would do the same for you. Donate and Bless Up! ;)


  • Amity Dey
    • 50 $ 
    • 4 Jahre


Bryan Bankovich
Atlanta, GA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt