Chronicles of Prophecy - DocuSeries
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You might remember the 80’s & 90’s when public prophecy seminars in the Adventist church was at its peak and packing out the churches around America and the whole world with hundreds of thousands of people interested in Last Day Events. These were the glory days of our church! We would record our powerful prophecy seminars and with the duplication of VHS, Cassettes tapes & DVD’s, we would extend the Adventist message into the living rooms of homes around the world. Millions upon millions were brought into the Adventist Church and more importantly brought into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Dakota Day’s family were a product of those VHS tapes shared with them back in the 90’s and they learned the Adventist message and joined the church.
However, times have changed. While prophecy seminars are still VERY effective, we need to be thinking of how to reach more people. With the explosion of technology and on demand streaming we need to be trying a new approach to reach the masses. The vast majority of the world is spending countless hours in front of internet and television through streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, & Amazon Prime. According to the latest Nielsen ratings, these services now have more viewers than cable! Dakota has a burden to especially reach the younger generations with the Gospel of Christ. Dakota says, “ the Adventist message changed my life forever and it pains me that there are generations rising that are not hearing our message the way I did.”
Never before has a docuseries been created to place the Adventist message into millions of homes through streaming services that appeal to the youth—something Evangelist Dakota Day plans to change. Dakota has taught prophecy seminars all over the world and now he wants to bring an entire evangelistic campaign into every living room through platforms like YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon Prime.
“There are many souls who will never darken the doorway of a church to be saved,” says Dakota, “so we must find ways to take the gospel to them in their homes. My prayer is that the people scrolling through their streaming services will see the docuseries, and that the Holy Spirit will draw them to it and do the work on their hearts that we cannot do.”
It will cost us $45,000 to complete this docuseries. But if it’s God’s will, then it’s God’s bill. I trust and fully believe that the His Holy Spirit will move upon hearts to provide. If you would like to see Dakota’s life-changing messages on various streaming platforms, consider making a sacrificial donation. All funds will go toward the production of this docuseries to bring the Seventh-day Adventist message “to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people” (Revelation 14:6).
This docuseries will be a 15 part docuseries covering topics such as, the great controversy between Christ & Satan, the sanctuary, the antichrist, the Law of God, the Sabbath, the state of the dead, hellfire, the USA in prophecy, the seal of God, the mark of the beast, the second coming of Jesus, and so much more. Evangelist, Dakota Day & SFP Films will be working together to bring this docuseries to streaming services to reach millions with the Gospel of Christ. “I can promise you this,” says Dakota. “Your sacrificial donation will help change the lives of millions of people by introducing the true character of Jesus Christ to them. Thanks for helping us share God’s love with the world!”

Attila Kakarott
Elmwood Park, IL