Lincolnshire’s poorly Children & COVID19
This is a very special plea in my role as Chair of Governors at The Pilgrim School – the special schools that provide education to children in Lincolnshire age 4-16 who are too unwell to attend mainstream school – with an urgent special plea due to COVID-19.
The Pilgrim School has three bases serving the whole county, in Lincoln, Amber Hill and Louth, and also an in-home service and we currently educate 150 children with a wide range of medical conditions from brains tumours to collapsed lungs. It is imperative that all schools are planning for COVID-19, however due to the additional vulnerabilities of the children we teach they really need your help now. Many of our students are having to self isolate and are not able to have home tutors visit nor come into one of the school’s bases.
We have a Virtual Learning Environment (online learning platform) that was due to be available for our students in September but our teachers have been working exceptionally hard to make it available as of now for the children to ensure that they will be able to access learning remotely.
And this is where they need your help.
We need urgent support through donations of laptops, computers or tablets that can be able to gifted to the school, or funds so we can buy them, so that we are able to provide them to our children who don’t have devices at home.
Any additional funds will then be used to offer financial support to their families with the extraordinary pressures we anticipate for them due to COVID19.
Your help would be so very gratefully received and would enable the most vulnerable children in Lincolnshire to continue to learn and to access school all be it virtually.
If you’re able to share our plea with your friends, colleagues or networks, we’d also be incredibly grateful!
Please do let me know if you or others may be able to support them, big or small every little really does helps.
Lizzie Jordan