Andrew Jacksons Cancer Battle Fund
A lot of you may or may not know what my life has been like the last 2 plus years. I was having headaches, which prompted me to see my GP, who ordered a Brain MRI. I had the scan which revealed I had a golf-ball size (GBM IV) brain tumor. I was admitted to Cottage Hospital that day. I had a 7 hr crainiotomy on March 26th 2010, and was released home on March 30th. I have completed 40 radiation tr Since May 2010, I had a 25% chance of making it past a 6 month prognosis. Theres was only a 5% for a 12month prognosis. Only 2% make it past 2 years. I hope to keep setting new survival goals. Financially, cancer is a drain on the bank account. Without treatment, I am sure I would be 6 feet under. So, for now, I pay to live today, and pray for another day.
Now I again have an aggressive large size tumor and am in a fight for my life. I am now unable to work and suffer with loss of use of left side and still continue to take treatments. I am asking for both financial and spiritual support as I now have Job Loss,Cobra Health Insurance payments, Rent and I am a single parent with a 1 child. Thank you for your loving support, Andrew.