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Hanna Lofgren's Volunteer Trip

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Hey guys! This coming January I am hoping to take a service trip to Costa Rica with other William & Mary students in partnership with the Children's Well-Being Foundation. The CWB Foundation is a non-profit organization that operates a free medical clinic in Guanacaste. On our trip we will be working alongside physicians and staff to provide health care and public health information to the children and families of Costa Rica. Any donation you can make will help make this trip possible for me. Please feel free to share this page with anyone you think would be interested in the cause.Thank you!!

For more information on the Children's Well-Being Foundation you can visit:

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  • Marie Palamara-Beattie
    • $50
    • 10 yrs
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $50 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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Hanna Lofgren
Williamsburg, VA

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