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Building a Kindergarten in Kinoni, Rwanda

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 From chrysalis to butterfly:

The cries of a newborn trigger exaltation and relief. No matter where you are born, whatever the culture. Every infant enriches humanity with the purity of its authenticity. The journey to fulfill our destiny involves crucial stages of metamorphosis. The first decade of our existence is the period when we are most receptive to the transmission of knowledge. During this period, our social conditions play a decisive role in the future blossoming of our potential.

In Kinoni, northern Rwanda, at a school devoid of adequate resources, children do not lack potential. Creating a suitable environment would be vital for them to successfully transform from chrysalis to butterfly.

Many of us marvel at the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly. Yet few of us are curious about the intermediate stage – the defining moment when the caterpillar becomes chrysalis, clinging to a branch while performing essential internal transformations. The core vital transformations that Kinoni's children need will make it possible for them to flourish and spread their wings with agility, to beautify the world with their unique colors.

A toolbox that empowers us to craft our own thoughts is the most wonderful gift a human being can receive. In the early years of our existence, the education we receive is an essential component in exploring our curiosity and imagination, sometimes concealed by our selective memory. Contributing to the improvement of the educational conditions for Kinoni's little girls and boys means participating in the greatest gift of a lifetime for more than three hundred children. The construction of a state-standard kindergarten would be a source of job creation and an invaluable community investment in the future of these toddlers and their families in this distinct part of the country of a thousand hills.

This commendable undertaking has been carried out by missionaries from the Pallotti order, who have been living in Rwanda for more than thirty years. The complexity of the history of this magnificent country is familiar to them. They do not let the lack of financial resources in Kinoni epitomize its people nor reduce them to the mere idea of poverty. These Rwandans are worthy. The treasures of their deep, vibrant culture will not leave them anytime soon.

Each one of your donations will have a direct impact. In Kinoni’s families, smiles shine with gratitude, welcoming your generosity and support. At the age of twelve, a heartfelt wish dear to Bwiza is that her little sister benefits from an adequate educational and learning environment. The moments they spend playing together, running through the broad curvatures and green paths of the valleys, fill her with joy. When they reach the top of the hill, overlooking Lakes Burera and Ruhondo, Bwiza shares the precious memories she keeps of their deceased grandfather with her little sister. During her excursions with him in the Virunga Mountains, she learned the secrets of the flora that make the gorillas of their region so unique. He used his love and knowledge of plants to heal people throughout his life, with ingredients offered by Mother Nature. As soon as she learned to write, Bwiza began to list her grandfather's recipes in a notebook. A treasure she cannot wait to share with her beloved little sister when she too eventually learns to read.

- Pascal Ngabo
Je contribue


  • Amir Dujmovic
    • $100 
    • 3 yrs
  • Suzanne Manvell
    • $100 
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $100 
    • 3 yrs
  • Suzanne Manvell
    • $100 
    • 4 yrs
  • August AfroHouse Fun Fundraiser
    • $1,600 (Don hors ligne)
    • 4 yrs
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Renata Milek - Strozak
Oakville, ON

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