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Film Festival Participation Trip

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Recently my film City Lights - Oglebay Park which documents the 300 acre Festival of Lights that runs throughout the month of December in West Virginia was chosen as one of 27 films to participate in Digital Graffiti 2014
Digital Graffiti is an annual three day event that uses moving image artist to paint the "towns iconic white walls" in Alys Beach Florida.
" Sometimes referred to as "Photon Bombing," "Guerilla Projection" or "Urban Projection," underground artists around the globe have already been using the latest design, animation and projection technologies to cast dynamic images onto skyscrapers and other urban structures as a means of artistic expression. But Digital Graffiti at Alys Beach is the first outdoor festival specifically organized to celebrate and showcase these unique talents."(
This is a once in a life time opportunity to see my work presented alongside other filmmakers working in the same mode.
To find out more about digital Graffiti 2014 visit the website at
To see more City Lights and Rural Colors visit Matt's vimeo album at
This go fund me is to help support going to Alys Beach to participate in the festivities as well as produce a new city lights or rural colors while in Florida. The money will be used for basic travel expenses such as gas ,food, and lodging as my wife and I drive from Columbus Ohio to Alys Beach Florida which is on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The entire trip is close to 2000 miles so for the sake of clarity here is the trip budget
Gas - $400
Car Rental $150
Hotel $225
Food and Supplies $225
Images from City Ligthts Oglebay Park


Matt Swift
Columbus, OH

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