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Kirsty's fund

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PLEASE READ UPDATES  Misdiagnosed and has Lyme  disease 

Kirsty has lupus, anti-c1q Anyibodies and hypocomplementmeic urticarial vasculitis syndrome (HUVS). She's has  been suffering from this for 11years Kirsty was bitten  when she was 12 and her life has never been the same since . we need to get her tested for Lyme disease  she is getting more and more sick everyday, she is always in pain, sick and has seizures (fits), Kirsty spends 90% of her time in bed she has to have 24/7 care she can't be left on her own this is not a life for a 23year old. The nhs don't seem to know  what to do. We really need help to get her to see a private specialist. any help, advice is more than welcome. Thanks for reading #alivebutnotliving
9th March With Kirsty Keep in Bournemouth she saw dr millward and wife vicky today they used the vega machine which showed kirsty does have lyme disease also showed she is really low on some important stuff that could be the reason for such chronic pain.

18th March Kirsty visited London to see Dr de Cruz the lupus specialist he told Kirsty that she has been misdiagnosis that he doesn't think she has lupus so for 7 years she has been given chemo drugs and lots of other damaging stuff she should never of had I'm so angry! He said she needs a specialist team of physiotherapy and rehabilitation omg if this is the case then dr Batley need to pay for the suffering he has made that girl go through if it's vital for her to have physio then she should of had it years ago not just now how could he have got it so wrong! How many other people are going through pain because of this doctor . Dr de Cruz told us to get the idea of lyme disease out of our head he said he thinks it's ehlers danlos syndrome and maybe pots syndrome. He wouldn't even look at dr millwards findings of lyme .. But these two things also get mistaken for lyme disease funny enough.. my heads a mash I can't even imagine how kirsty feels she said at least they might not just leave me now like they have with lupus. This is not good enough I don't know what to think and where to turn at the moment .. praying we get the result back that proves the NHS are wrong

23march Got bloods back from Armin labs for Kirsty Keep today hard to understand but she has chronic infection going on so now to get her seen in Germany

11 April Kirsty Keep had a live blood test today her blood don't look healthy but the doctor is confident there is things that can be done so we have hope!! She went in to the oxygen chamber again today as well . also the docter said he has no doubt in his mind she had lyme disease ... so now to travel to Germany tomorrow kirsty is seeing two doctor's out there to hear their opinion.

15 April Germany: The doctor said today Kirsty Keep is a very sick young lady and she has to be ready to fight for her life so it's going to be a long road ahead of being devoted to sticking to a health plan. she needs to get a bit better before treatment for viruses as she is to weak and wouldn't cope . So let's hope and pray this is the beginning of a better life for kirsty .

We're so thankful for the help you all have given with out everyone's help we wouldn't have been able to move forward like this you have all given kirsty some hope and you can't even imagine what that means so thankyou all so much xx


  • Anónimo
    • 150 £
    • 2 años


Chloe Keep
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