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Around the world by bicycle

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Hello, we are Pantxika and Fred a french couple travelling around the world by bicycle.

How did all of this started ?

We’ve never been real cyclists before, occasional ones is probably more appropriate to qualify us. In 2018 we made our first trip by bicycle from Chester in England where we lived to Hendaye in France next to Spain border. It took us six weeks and we really enjoyed it and of course it changed our life for ever.
After the first lockdown in 2020, at 45 years old each and far overweighted, we did get rid of all our belongings, resigned from our jobs, bought two used bicycles, all the gears we were thinking would be necessary and in about three month time we were on our way to discover the world on a slow pace.

We started our journey on the 5th of September 2020 from France next to Biarritz ( where our first trip finished) and in the first 9 months we’ve been through Europe and arrived in Turkey. From there we took a plane to Mexico City and we cycled all the way down to Panama. We have already covered 12500km, been through 16 countries, met hundreds of really nice people offering to host us, feed us, help us when needed and of course sharing their customs and habits in all the different countries we’ve crossed.

Our next goal is to reach Colombia and carry on to Ushuaia. We are really impatient to discover this part of the world and meet new people. We are actually keeping records of the travel with pictures and full story on our Facebook and Instagram pages Kalimutxoworldtour.

We started with a little bit of saving and as we are self sufficient during our travel, sleeping as much as we can in our tent in every weather conditions, cooking for ourselves on our little stove gas, asking people we come across for a place to shelter, we don’t really need much to continue our journey. One thing we didn’t expect was due to the current situation, border crossing and all it is involving start to add more on our expenses and that’s why we are asking you for a little help.

We want to thank you in advance for any donation you can make and we also hope to inspire some of you to start travelling by bicycle as it is a perfect way to discover what happens around us, to make some interesting encounters and to do a little bit for saving our beautiful planet.


Frederic Lolliot

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