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Free Stacy...from Lyme Disease!

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Stacy is the friend you can call at 4am when your car breaks down on the freeway. The friend that laughs as loud as you do when you're happy, and cries as hard as you do when you're sad. The friend you can bicker with like family. The one who will be there for you no matter what. Full of life. Vivacious. Adventurous. Energetic. Until Lyme Disease came into her life.

Stacy has progressed to late stage Lyme which is the last and often most serious stage. It is also the most difficult to treat. The litany of symptoms she is experiencing is shocking and heartbreaking. It began with hair loss. Then came the onset of extreme fatigue. Heart palpitations, migraines, blurred vision, insomnia, numbness in her hands and legs, sensitivity to light and noise, memory loss, problems speaking, reduced mental accuity...the list goes on. She explained to me that it feels like you're walking around with the flu 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. How can this be happening to someone I love?

Lyme Disease is the leading infectious disease in the U.S.- higher than HIV and cancer. Most mainstream medical doctors will not treat Lyme patients thus patients are often forced to seek care from specialists who do not accept medical insurance.

Stacy is seeing positive results with her new course of treatment. Her coworkers still have to help her out of her chair on bad days, but the chronic pain is subsiding. She's been able to get through the work day without having to nap during her lunch break. Stacy is hopeful. I am hopeful.

And then just as things started looking up, reality came knocking on her door. Both her health insurance and Health Savings Account denied coverage for Stacy's Lyme treatment.

It turns out you can put a price on someone's life. $850 every nine weeks to the tune of $5100. For $5100 Stacy has a good shot of returning to the kind of life we take for granted. Waking up in the morning with enough energy to get through the day. Having the physical strength to go for a walk. Living without pain. I want to say that I can't even bring myself to think of what will happen if she cannot continue her treatments. But I can't stop thinking about it. I can't let this happen to her. So I am reaching out to you with the hope that we can raise enough money to help my friend continue her treatment. All contributions, great or small, will bring Stacy closer to beating this terrible disease.



  • Paul, Tracy, Jeremy, and Jason
    • 50 $ (Donazione offline)
    • 10 anni
  • Clarence and Mary Oertel
    • 50 $ (Donazione offline)
    • 10 anni
  • Chris and Kari Oertel
    • 50 $ (Donazione offline)
    • 10 anni
  • Mark, Denise, Josh and McKenna Eiberg
    • 500 $ (Donazione offline)
    • 10 anni
  • Porpy and Joan Tremeling
    • 100 $ (Donazione offline)
    • 10 anni


Sasha St. Denny
San Francisco, CA

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