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British Invasion

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Hello Everyone!

I am on my way to London this summer for an internship to complete the requirement for my Bachelor of the Arts in Creative Writing. YAY! The internship will be with a multi-faceted company that manages many small businesses. This internship will both strengthen by professional writing skills and help me gain cultural experience that will give me a leg-up in the workplace when I graduate in April 2015.

The only problem is, of course, money. I have to pay for my own airline ticket ($1700), a work visa (approx. $1200), along with transportation, groceries, and possible phone cards while I'm living in the city. The prices add up and it's been very difficult procuring the funds I need for my time abroad.

Since losing my car this past December, finding a job has been tough and raising money near impossible. If you could just spare $20 that would help IMMENSELY. And please feel free to pass along this funraiser to friends and family. Any little helps.

My goal is $1000 - which converts to roughly 605 British pounds. With this I hope to cement this experience as one of the best in my life, both professionally and personally. It's always been a dream of mine to live in London and if I could do so without having to worry about where my next meal is coming from, that would be all kinds of amazing.

Thank you so much for viewing my fundraising page!


Shardae Rudel
Ortonville, MI

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