Soledad Swimming Pool renovation
The Soledad Pool needs your help. The swimming pool bottom is disintegrating and desperately needs to be refinished. The district has secured a grant from the state of California for a portion of the project but it does not cover it completely. We are fundraising for the remaining $85,000 which will complete the refinishing project and the installation of a new sand filtration system. The new filtration system will save money on maintenance cost and will be more efficient. Share this GoFundMe page with your friends, family and businesses. if every household in Soledad donates $40 we can reach our goal. If you can afford to donate more please consider doing so; not every household can afford to donate $40.
This fundraiser has an end date of May 1st, 2021.
The Soledad pool was built in 1974 and is in need of many updates but is such a valuable asset to our community. Our goal is to keep programs affordable which is why we need help now. We have been closed since March 2020 we want to reopen with our facility in the best shape possible.
If you would like to know more about the district, how its set up, how it functions, how we are separate from City of Soledad visit our website. Soledadrec.org