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Keep Suey Online

Donativo protegido
You'll never know how much I detest having to ask you all for donations. However, the choice is between me taking money from you or taking it from some huge corporation or charity, compromising what I can say or do. 

So unavoidably, it has to be you. 

Please DON'T feel you must donate out of a sense of loyalty or guilt. Also, DON'T give more than you can afford. 

Donations will be used to 

A) replace my dying laptop with a better quality one
B) Set up a "kitty" for expenses, so that my family aren't constantly out of pocket

You can read more here

Many, many thanks to you all in advance


  • Anónimo
    • 30 £
    • 11 años


Sue Marsh

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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    Tu donativo está protegido por la Garantía de donativos de GoFundMe