Raise a few for Linda Lu!
Dear family, friends and colleagues of Linda Lu,
This page has been put together to help raise funds for Linda Lu and her family. Linda has been recently diagnosed with Chronic Hypertension Kidney Disease. For those of you who are not familiar with this, Linda has Renal hypertension, also called renovascular hypertension, it is elevated blood pressure caused by kidney disease. It can usually be controlled by blood pressure drugs. Some people with renal hypertension can be helped by angioplasty, stenting, or surgery on the blood vessels of the kidney.
Linda is currently on her journey to get this under control and as of today, she is scheduled for vascular surgery in August. This surgery is so they can repair and save one of her kidneys that is still in a healthy state. Once she recovers from the first surgery, Linda will then be scheduled to have the failing kidney removed. As further testing is done and the doctors can research her diagnosis further, they will then determine if Linda would need dialysis and/or face a full transplant.
We are all in high hopes that Linda will not need to be put on dialysis and look forward to a full recovery and return to normal life.
Linda is a hard working mom to two adorable children and a loving wife to her husband. It is moments like this that can allow each of us to make an impact and show our support for those who need it most. If you would like to help contribute to the medical costs and further support needed for the Lu Family, please donate here.
God Bless