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I need to get my children fund

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I was born and raised in the FLDS religion (polygamist church in Colorado City, AZ), being a member my entire life.  After finding out the truths of what Warren Jeffs had been doing, and was doing to the people in his church, I knew I had to leave the church and take my family with me. After years of gathering information and planning, I was able to leave the church in 2013, unfortunately my family didn’t want to come.

Although I was ready to leave for many years, I was hesitant because it was important for me to leave with my whole family. It’s a common practice in this religion to kick the Father of the family out of the FLDS church, only to “give” their family to another man. That was not going to happen to me.

I was trying to figure out a way to leave the church with my whole family. However, after everything I tried, I was not successful. My wife has not been able to overcome the lies and fear that she has been indoctrinated with, from Lyle Jeffs (one of the current leaders of the FLDS church). She wanted to stay in the FLDS church, and was doing everything in her power to keep my kids from me because I was considered evil.

Although I left the church, my wife stayed. I made it clear to her that I love my kids and I care about them. Our children were only going to live with me or her, not some random member of the FLDS church.

That might sound strange to someone not familiar with this religion. The FLDS church  teaches that for the eternal spiritual welfare of a child, it would be better for the children to live with and be raised by complete strangers that are worthy (and go to heaven), then live with their parents who are not worthy (and go to hell with their parents). The FLDS church was telling my wife "if we did not want the children to go to hell, we had to send the kids to other worthy people.” There was no way I was going to allow that to happen.

Although my wife continues to strive to be in the church, I have kept on visiting and talking with my family. Once someone leaves the church any associations with that person are not allowed, so my wife got in trouble with the church and was kicked out. I was actually relieved that just by my wife associating with me, I was able to get my wife kicked out of the church and basically forced her to take our kids with her.

I have been trying to heal our family, and bring us all together ever since the end of 2013 (when we were kicked out of the church), to no avail. My wife has a constant fear that I will teach my children the truth about Warren Jeffs, and does everything in her power to deny me access to my children. Additionally, the church has made it clear that anyone that associates with me, is doing something wrong and not obeying the laws of God. 

I thought with time, and showing my family love and support that things would be better. It's not. It is only getting worse. My 18 year old daughter has returned to the FLDS church in Colorado City and taken her two oldest brothers with her, against my wishes (they are still under age). I will probably never see my oldest daughter again, but there is hope for my other children.

All of this depends on timing. I have to act quickly so I don’t lose any more of my children to this horrific church. My oldest daughter and other members of the church are continually teaching my children to hate me, and to do all they can to make me let them go. On one of my visits with my family, my 13 year old son threatened to "beat me to death" with the rocks he was holding, unless I left. He was proud that he was doing what God wanted him to do.

So I must act, and act now. After trying for so long I now realize I’m going to have to get the law involved. I’m going to get a leagal seperation from my wife and get full physical and legal custody of my kids. It’s time to teach my children the truth and get them out of an environment that continually teaches them lies and to hate their own Father.
I have tried to do this without an attorney but it has not worked. My older children have sabotaged any visits that I have tried to have. I have consulted with four different attorneys about my case. One has agreed to help and has given me a discount, but the fees are still more than I can afford.  

If I had years to do this I could work out the finances of this on my own, but I need to get custody of my kids before any of my other children leave to join the FLDS church. The only way I can do that is with some financial help.

I love my wife and know my kids need her as well as me, but until she can see the FLDS church for what it is, I need to save my kids. I need to save my kids from her and thus the influence of the FLDS church.   

So I am asking for help. This is not an easy thing for me to do, but I cannot do this alone. Any kind of help is so greatly appreciated, even if that is a note of encouragement! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for your love and support. God Bless.


  • Anne Coble
    • 20 $
    • 9 años


Ben Thomas
Eagle Mountain, UT

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