As of July 1st, KINGFACE was admitted into
ICU in one of the best hospitals in NYC.
Unfortunately to date his condition has
progressively worsened with no warning. His
illness and today’s current pandemic gave his
family no time to regroup, or even deal with the realities of what extended hospitalization does to you or your family financially, mentally, and physically! Although KINGFACE is not able to be active his message and legacy still impacts millions of people worldwide.
Kingface is a man who stands for what he believes in. He has continually dedicated his life to helping people, being a mentor, and wanting to see EVERYONE WIN; no matter their race or color of their skin. Kingface is the true definition of “if I could do It, so can you!” One of Kings greatest gift is his ability to reach the masses. His message resonates with everyone; the good, the bad and indifferent. He resonates with people from every walk of life and that’s what makes him special. He wants everyone especially kids to know there is no limit. It’s okay to make mistakes! And it’s never too late to change your life around. Kingface created the D.A.D. Project. A program that put his message to action which helps urban youth with mentorship and skills to conquer the real world.
As you know KINGFACE loves everyone and many of his supporters became family. He's a protector and provider to many. Although Face is a public figure he had a very private life and IS his wife Marion Krouser and family provider, protector, and Hero.
With no certainty of what tomorrow brings, Our goal is to offset medical expenses, future rehabilitation expenses, family support, and also continuing King youth program!
Kingface wife Marion Krouser as the beneficiary And proxy will be handling all of Kingface affairs including all fundraisers/ gofundme and the funds will be used as stated above.
As many of you know Kingface IS the
definition of INTEGRITY and HONOR.
And today we are asking you for your
assistance and support.
He is a fighter and still fighting, and together we will Uplift Kingface!