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Disabled Creative, Want To Regain Some Footing

Donativo protegido
Edit: I am completely blown away by the support. A huge, huge thank you to my contributors! For others who want to participate, there's definitely still room. The $500 raised so far gets me started, but I've added a stretch goal of $1,000 that would help me get the business off the ground even faster and stronger. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all!

Who likes doing nothing? I know I don’t.

It’s been over three years since I was able to work last, and, well, I want to change that. The problem is this pesky set of chronic illnesses that keep getting in the way. I am not consistently well enough to even hold a part-time job at this point, so that’s a mega bummer. I have improved enough to work an hour or two here and there and, on a gold-star kind of day, maybe even -several- hours to get at some small projects (feel free to clutch the pearls), but I’m still a long way from job-ready.

Here’s how you can help.

Money for some tools and materials.

I have this idea, see. My background is mostly in photography and adjacent fields, and I want to start making some photo gear that is the sort of thing I would buy and sell it for a price I would pay.

Pre-sales and whatnot, including Kickstarter, are out because my working ability is so unpredictable. Bad to under-deliver, you know. So, the plan is to make some stuff and list it on Etsy. But, only the things that are 100% ready to ship.

$500 gets me going. If I can raise more than that, for one, that would be awesome on its own, but the big upside is that I could get some better tools to make the process easier and faster as well as adding a couple of other products that are a little more difficult to make.

If you’ve made it this far, pretend I’m giving you a hug. Unless you don’t like hugs. I appreciate that you took the time to read and would appreciate any donations you care to pass my way.

PS: For people who want to know just what the things are that I am going to make, I have a short list of a few different ones to start with. I mean to start really small and, as I am able, expand. The first two, specifically, would be a pinhole lens to use with 35mm and digital SLR cameras and a medium format pinhole camera. Another one that will -probably- be done at the same time is a pocket-sized tripod. A contact printing frame will be another simple one to add on. With more advanced and precise tools, I want to get into making bigger pieces of kit too, like a system to "scan" film using a digital SLR with macro lens and an 8x10 field camera. For as many of the components as is reasonable, I plan to use hardwoods; for the pieces that wood isn't suited for, I'll mainly be using brass, aluminum, and steel. Future builds might get into more exotic/expensive materials, but, at least to start, sticking to the basics seems like a better plan.

Organizador y beneficiario

Jonathan Russell
South Bend, IN
Jonathan Russell

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