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For Sienna

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Sienna is 7 she loves kids dogs and swimming. Siennas has Rett sydrome a very rare condition  sienna has grown very well but is in desperate need of a van to accommodate her wheel chair. Please help Sienna. Thank you.      Hello my name is Romie Hutson I am a grandmother of a beautiful 7 year old girl that happens to have Rett syndrome. Rett syndrome is a rare neurological disorder . Kids that suffer from Rett syndrome live with many disorders including cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, dystonia just to mention a few. My dreams for my grandaughter is to have a ability van to be able to transfer her in her wheel chair to doctors appt,school,therapy,famils house and more. I live near my grandaughter in Rancho Cucamonga ca. I’d like to bring her to my house where we can Easily move her wheelchair around. I will be purchasing a full size van for Sienna and will get it ability able to fit her wheel chair and medical supplies. ALL donations will be sent to my savings account that has been specially set to get a bank check to the van dealership. Insurance will pay for the wheelchair access lift. I thank you so much. Any and all donations greatly appreciated. Thank you Romie Hutson


  • Victoria Hutson
    • $500
    • 5 años


Romie Hutson
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

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