Tapped Out And Humbled Lambert
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Moving to Texas has been a dream come true for me and mom and dad. Despite my financial woes, we are extremely happy here on our little farm and have been blessed with free animals as a bonus! Unfortunately for me, my health has taken a turn since just before we came here. I have lupus and I also suffer from lupus anticoagulant, which is a blood disease where I develop dangerous blood clots very easily. Even so, God has brought me through some very serious scares and seems to want to keep me on this earth...and I praise and thank Him for that! Due to the severity and sporadic flares of my illness, keeping a job is extremely difficult, so I was urged by my doc and others to apply for disability. It has been a long two years of denials but I finally got ‘my day in court’ just this last month. According to my lawyer, this is a good and positive thing. However, at the hearing, we found out it can take two to three months to get the verdict. This came as a great shock, as we were hoping to hear much sooner because the Lambert 3 have reached tapped out status financially. I just have to say, my parents are rockstars with how they have supported me, not only financially, but in every way! Mere words cannot express the love I have for these two amazingly beautiful people. I have been paying the absolute minimum on my bills, but we find this month, even that is not possible. On top of this, regular doctor visits and substantial medicine costs have added to the mounting problem. Monies raised here will hopefully get me through these next couple of months. Although I fought the idea of putting my life out there for all to see, some of my dearest friends urged my to go this route. So, here I am, feeling humbled yet blessed at the same time. Obviously, any monetary contribution would help. But what we expressly covet is your prayers. God has been in control of our lives and has been ever present during this whole season. Even if we don’t get the needed funds, we are confident He will work out something else. He’s not going to leave us in the middle of the battle, of that we are certain! We love you all, Gwen / The Lambert 3 ❤️
Gwen Lambert
Jacksonville, TX