Expenses for a private care facility for my grams
I started this fundraiser to raise money to pay for a private care facility for my grams who has dementia. I call her (grams). She loved the name.
With my grams social security check each month and the equity out of her home she is still short about $1,000 each month in an private care pay facility. She needs this care as she is going down hill fast. She could live another 4 or 5 years. We can't move grams to an private facility for 2 years and then have to figure out where we're going to put her next because she did not have enough money to live the rest of her life in the private facility. She needs to be in one place until she passes. That is why I started the fund.
My grams is currently in a regular nursing home facility & medicade does pay for it. They are NOT treating her right and abusing her. She is just a number to them. Private care facilities pay attention to their patients because they are being paid to care for them. I hope you find it in your heart to donate so she won't be in this terrible situation.
The doctors say that my grams needs to be in a specialized dementia care facility for her condition. She is deterating faster then she should. This is because she does not have the proper care that she needs. A regular nursing home staff employees are NOT trained properly and understaffed to adequately take care of dementia patients. Medicade will not pay for these services it is self Pay only and it is very expensive. Wouldn't you want the same for your loved one? Think about that.
Any donation you can give is greatly appreciated.
About my Grams- She lost her mom when she was just 9 years old. Her mom was murdered. She was then taken away from her father (which was wrong because she was a daddy's girl) and her older sister raised her. She would have been a lot better off with her dad.
That is a very young child to lose both of your parents and very tragic. She then married her husband at 18 and was married for 8 years and had 4 girls. She lost 1 of her 4 girls at (4 months old) to a heart condition. She then later lost her husband of 8 years in a plane crash making her a widow. She then later on remarried and had a boy who is my Dad. She was married to her second husband for 40 years. She has lived 21 years without her second husband. She loved kids. She worked for the local school system as a cafeteria worker serving children. She volunteered as a pink woman at the hospital.
Any donation will be helpful! Please keep my grams in your Prayers