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Emily ROSE

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Emily is my beautiful 9 year old x Everybody looks at Emily and sees an excited, loud and outgoing girl. People dont understand the daily struggles Emily faces. Emily is Autistic and also suffers from ADHD. Her anxiety stops her from doing things with the confidence she should have. Making and retaining friends is really hard for Emily as she can find it hard to read people and does not understand the concept of personal space which causes people to have no patience with her. Emily struggles with regulating her emotions and understanding them which often leaves her feeling greatly overwhelmed, alone, unloved, scared and unsure of herself. Emily has been offered an amazing opportunity in training her own therapy dog which will help her with alot of her daily struggles. The amazing company that is allowing this to happen is CSTDA (The centre for service and therapy dogs Australia) They are focused on working specifically with trained dogs within mutually defined programs to assist people living with Autism. An Autism assistance dog will help Emily in many ways, here are just a few examples: •Assist her to relax and become less anxious •Help her to communicate better, in a more socially acceptable manner •Assist her in walking outside and having a reason to get outside • Encourage more positive interaction with neighbours and friends •Remain in place without wandering •Help her to be calm and focused when overwhelmed or overstimulated •To make sure Emily always has a friend •Emily will never be alone or feel alone as the bond she will make with her therapy dog through intensive training will be life long, this will exceed her living at home and continue to when she ventures out on her own. This is not an overnight process as training and bonding between Emily and the puppy will start on a weekly basis and run for 2 years before the dog is moved into the family home. As you can appreciate with such an involved lengthy course comes at a large cost. The course is $40k and that covers training, therapy, foster caring, vet costs and other costs the dog requires to complete the course. Through fundraising and donations so far we have already raised $10,200. Please donate xxx


  • Brenda Bryant
    • 100 $
    • 4 años


Megan Olive
Melton West, VIC
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