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Luna’s Legacy

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Luna's Story:  Luna gave us so many happy memories that we never want to forget, from the moment we found out we were pregnant we were over the moon and started planning for her arrival straight away!

I can't even begin to tell you the love she has given us in such a short space of time. She made our wedding day the most special day to remember. We were secretly 3 months pregnant, then we announced the pregnancy in our speeches. That was one of the best moments of our lives, the love and happiness filled the room, we will cherish that moment forever!

(watch here:

Luna was born just 3 months after our wedding at 6 months old on Friday June 8th. We've never felt so many different emotions. Heartbroken, scared, devastated, broken, sick, anxious but excited to meet our little girl and give her a big cuddle all at the same time.

We were booked into Russells Hall Hospital, delivery room 20 on Tuesday 7th June knowing we would be delivering our little girl sleeping & walking out of the hospital with empty arms. 

Knowing the heartbreak we were facing, we presumed we would be in a specialist room, away from other mothers-to-be, however this sadly wasn't the case.

Delivery room 20 has the same facilities as every other room on the ward. We could hear other babies being born next door, other babies crying, we just didn't expect to have to experience that, it's something we didn't prepare for. 

We blocked it out, focussed on Luna and tried to cherish the limited time that we had together. We knew in that moment, that we needed to make the most of the short time we had together as a family, we needed to try and cram a lifetime full of memories into just a few hours. We have never felt love like it, our hearts could have literally exploded! 

Luna was so beautiful, she had the longest legs & feet (like mine!) and the tiniest little nose & ears, just like Quinn's. We spent a couple of hours sleeping  before our family arrived to meet her. 

Our families arrived, then a lady came into our room to offer us a cup of tea, on her way out she shouted behind her 'oh, congratulations too by the way!'
We were stunned, we didn't know what to say, we just looked at her speechless.  We didn't have the heart to tell her what had happened, but why should we? She should know that. We shouldn't have to explain.

This is why the baby bereavement campaign is so important & why we are so determined to improve the facilities to help other families going through the same heartbreak. This is such a sensitive situation, it's a time of our lives which we will never forget, it will stay with us forever. Which is why it's so important for hospitals to get this right.  It is important that parents can come away with as many happy memories together as a family, in a calm, safe & supportive environment. 

This is where your help comes in, to help us achieve the appeal to be able to help families in the future...

You can see it really is something that is desperately needed, we’d like to do all we can to help hospitals develop these much needed facilities across the UK.

With your help, we can do it. Supporting baby loss together.

Wherever I am, there's you ♡

We want to celebrate & remember Luna’s life forever, she’s our daughter & has left such a big space in our hearts.

We want her to be remembered, talked about and loved, the same as any other baby would.

We want her to make a difference.

Please share this post to let other parents know they’re not alone. ♡


  • Tara Macnqor
    • £5
    • 4 yrs
  • Frankie Isaacs
    • £60 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 5 yrs
  • M.K. Rose Charitable Trust
    • £2,000 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 5 yrs
  • The Luna Ball Cash
    • £3,690 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 5 yrs


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