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Accessible Treehouse Camp Accomplish

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Fair and Inclusive Play for Special Needs Children

For 2014 I made a resolution to help make the world more accessible for children with disabilities to have fair and inclusive play. My son, Alex, is 7 and has Autism and ADHD. He has difficulties with communication, social play, making friends, sensory issues and learning disabilities.

"What is Melwood Camp Accomplish?" Melwood's Camp Accomplish is an inclusive Summer Camp that creates harmony and peace within children while overlooking disabilities and finding ways to include everyone, regardless of ability levels. Their trained staff gives their all to the campers and helps them find a way to accomplish the goals of play, problem solving, making friends and participating in activities not available in the mainstream world. Both of my children have made amazing accomplishments and look forward to returning each summer. It's their #Happyplace.

"Why a Tree House?" The answer is simple, Fair and Inclusive Play. A Tree House that is designed for Special Needs will create an inclusive area for campers of all abilities to learn, be social, make friends and interact without being overstimulated of expectations of typical rule based play. Tree Houses do not force children to follow complex rule, they can simply use their imaginations and join in and lead or follow others allowing everyone to play equally at their own pace, comfort level and still be INCLUDED. Some will feel included by finding a safe place to observe, while they gain the confidence to join in with encouragement from trained counselors. There are very few mainstream places that give Autistic and Special Needs Children an opportunity to Fair and Inclusive Play. So, Melwood Camp Accomplish is a Godsend to me, more importantly my son, Alex and his friends/ peers.

Thank you so much for your support and thank you for helping $5 at a time. (or more).

Blog Spot
If you would like to read more about the impact Melwood has had on my family, this is a blog spot I did for for them last June:

Do they have a website? Yes, www.melwoodrecreation.org

All funds raised will go directly to the Camp Accomplish/Melwood Tree House Project. I am a Mom and have no affiliation other than my children participating in their programs. I hope we raise this amount and more, so we can choose even more items off of the "Wish List."

To view the "Wish List" http://www.melwoodrecreation.org/get-involved/donate/wishli


  • Watkins Family
    • $2,649
    • 10 yrs
  • Jamberry, Inc.
    • $111 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $54 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Jennifer Prystash, Independant Jamberry Consultant
    • $240 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs
  • Mrs. Mary Babiarz
    • $120 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Jen Muschlitz
Lusby, MD

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