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Help Zenyu Get Our SHINE Back!

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Hello friends,
On New Year's Eve, Zenyu Healing held a joyous fundraiser called "Shine", which highlighted our community's talent, love and dedication to social justice. This fundraiser represented a crucial part of our budget for the year. Sadly less than 2 days later, Zenyu's office (also our home) was robbed and we lost all of the money we made from the fundraiser as well as both of our organizational computers.

A core group of 8 volunteers lovingly put in over 2 months of work, often using their own money to cover expenses, to make this event a success. Over 100 people came to celebrate with us that night and contributed generously. We are asking for your help to help us recover the money we raised from the event as well as our two organizational computers.

Thank you so much for all of the love and support that has been pouring in. We are grateful for whatever you can share with us. We would also greatly appreciate if you could pass this on to friends and family.

With love,
Christine, April, Emil, and the Zenyu Family

*Zenyu's mission is to move the movement by developing inspired queer leaders of color who understand the inherent connection between spirit, earth, and our collective demand for social justice.
For more information, check out:


Christine Cruz Guiao
Seattle, WA

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