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Gypsy's Journey

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Hi everyone I've never done this before so I guess I'll start with gypsy's Journey. Gypsy is a 6yr old pit mix. Shes been my therapy dog ever since we got her as a little puppy. Shes never had health issues or anything and always been a silly happy playful and loving girl. A couple weeks ago we noticed her lymph nodes were swollen so I took her to the vet. The vet told me unfortunately it seemed like lymphoma. She took some samples and we got the results back a few days later. Unfortunately it is lymphoma. It's been 2 weeks since it was confirmed and I'm still shocked and at a total loss. I've taken her to 2 large vet hospitals to talk about treatment but unfortunately we do not have the finances right now for treatment. The treatment plan for gypsy is around $8,000 which we cannot afford. With that being said gypsy has been on prednisone. The vets told us if she doesn't perk up in a day or so then she probably won't ever really perk back up. My sweet girl doesn't wanna eat and is so tired she just sleeps the days away. Shes been on the prednisone for almost 3 days now and the only thing it's done is make her thirsty and have to pee alot. With that being said my sweet baby girl only has a few days left with us. I feel absolutely horrible I couldn't get her the treatment she so royally deserved so I want to make sure shes as comfortable as possible when she crosses the rainbow bridge. I've called a company called lap of love to come to our home to do an in home euthanasia. There cost is $350 so that's what my goal is. If I manage that then any other money I receive will go to her cremation. Thank you for any help and God Bless


Ashley Akers
Milford Center, OH

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