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Protect Our Officers

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Over the last two months the Milwaukee Police Department lost two honorable men who sacrificed their lives to protect the people and streets of Milwaukee. Everyday men and women of law enforcement wake up and risk their lives knowing that they might not come home to their loved ones. Unfortunately that was the fate of Officer Irvine and Officer Michalski. As a result I wanted to do something for those men and woman who protect and serve to show them that we as a community are behind them, support them, and care for them. After some research I got the idea of buying some St. Micheal medallions. St Michael is the Patron Saint of Police Officers and protects against evil. With the help of my aunt, two of her friends, and T H Stempers we were able to get approximately 300 medals, 100 of which were donated for from Dan Stemper (the owner of T H Stemper). We received them this past Saturday and my aunt went and got them blessed. On Sunday my son and I went to District 2 and District 3 Police Department and passed out all 300 medals. Unfortunately 300 medals didn’t go very far considering there are a total of 7 Police Districts in the city of Milwaukee as well as multiple other Departments in the greater Milwaukee Area. My goal is to raise money so that way every Officer in the Milwaukee area receives a St Michael medal. Unfortunately I can’t do it alone due to the financial cost. 100 percent of the proceeds raised will go to the purchase of these medallions. Above you will see the front and back of the medal it’s self. The medals cost typically between $1 to $2 apiece. Even if you can only donate $1, that means that one more officer will receive one. I originally didn’t want to post about this but I feel like every officer deserves one.


  • Charles Clark
    • 5 $
    • 6 años


Amanda Farrell
Milwaukee, WI

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