Dad's Fight-For-Life Expenses
To Go-Fund-Me or not. That is the question. It's a thin line between a legitimate campaign and a heartless quest. I'm going to explain to you why I decided in favor of a campaign. In the last few months, I have contributed to several Go-Fund-Me campaigns. Maybe it's just me, but I feel better when I know I can make even the smallest difference. I'm opening this up to each and every one of you. This campaign is on behalf of my father, Ron and his biggest supporter, his wife of 53 years, my mother Rhonda. They would both be embarrassed if they knew I was doing this. They deserve any assistance they can get. My amazing dad, Ron Whitwell, had a major surgery called the Whipple procedure on 07/16. Thanks to his wonderful surgeon, he came through with flying colors. Unfortunately, he began to deteriorate quite rapidly. One week after the surgery (last Monday) I briefly left the hospital to check on my mom and I got the worst phone call of my life. The doctor said, "Your dad's taken a terrible turn. They're doing CPR and shocking him. You better hurry." Thankfully before I got back to the hospital the doctor called again. They had a pulse and blood pressure. He's been battling an irregular & very high heart rate (A-fib). He's also lost a lot of blood from a mystery bleed. He came through all pre-op procedures fine. No one could have predicted how "fragile" his heart has proven to be. Dad's still critical but very stable. He hasn't opened his eyes for us yet but I know he will. I hate to ask for anything but it's not for me. It's for my amazing parents. Their SS checks will be drained quickly. If you can contribute, please do. If you can't, please continue to pray. Thank you. For anything and everything.