Ayuda a la Dra Amelia y su familia
Donation protected
Hola, mi nombre es Amelia, soy médico neumónologo y en la actualidad me encuentro hospitalizada en Mérida, Venezuela por presentar Neumonía severa por COVID 19, igualmente mi padre se encuentra hospitalizado por presentar Tromboembolismo Pulmonar y ACV y mi hermana también se encuentra hospitalizada por neumonía por COVID 19. Esto me impide laborar y costear los respectivos tratamientos que necesitamos para nuestra recuperación y cuyos montos son significativos.Ya hemos agotado nuestros recursos económicos por lo cual agradecemos cualquier ayuda que nos permita ganar la batalla contra este terrible enfermedad.
Hi, my name is Amelia. I am a pulmonologist and currently in a hospital in Merida, Venezuela with severe pneumonia due to COVID 19 & so is my sister. My father is also being hospitalized due to a pulmonary thromboembolism and stroke. This situation impedes me from working and paying for the required treatments that we need to recover. We have drained our resources and for this reason we appreciate any help that could let us win this battle against this terrible illness.

Hi, my name is Amelia. I am a pulmonologist and currently in a hospital in Merida, Venezuela with severe pneumonia due to COVID 19 & so is my sister. My father is also being hospitalized due to a pulmonary thromboembolism and stroke. This situation impedes me from working and paying for the required treatments that we need to recover. We have drained our resources and for this reason we appreciate any help that could let us win this battle against this terrible illness.

Gabriela Sanchez
Pompano Beach, FL