Carol Martin's Funeral Funds
My name is Tyler, and I am the son of Richard and Carol Martin. My fiance, Makayla, my siblings, and I are setting up this go fund me page to help my parents with medical bills that they will be receiving shortly. Most of you may know my parents from the Indianapolis Speedrome. They spend every weekend there during the racing season, even if my dad isn't racing. My parents love not only racing but they also love the great friends that they have met along the way. In late February, they took a family vacation down to Florida to watch the big race that takes place in Pinellas Park at Showtime Speedway to support their racing families. No one knew that this vacation would turn my family's world upside down in a matter of no time.
Early March is when my mom started to not feel good. By March 9th she ended up having to take a half day from work due to not feeling good. On Sunday, the 11th, my dad ended up taking her to St. Francis Immediate Care, where they told her it was just a virus and would go away with medications. My mom ended up taking those medications and nothing changed. My dad then took her to the Emergency Room at St. Francis the next day and they said the same thing. They told my mom to take the medications and in 48 hours she would feel like a new person. My mom had been sick for 5 days straight by this point. She was unable to eat, sleep, and get out of bed. She was throwing up until eventually she started throwing up blood. It seemed like none of the medications were helping her. Eventually, my dad ended up taking her back to the Emergency Room at St. Francis, late Wednesday night where this thing ended up exploding in the waiting room. When the doctors took one look at her, they knew what was wrong with her. My mom was diagnosed with a flesh eating bacteria. This could have killed my mother if these doctors didn't know what was causing her so much pain. They had to do an emergency surgery to remove the bacteria that was eating her from the inside out. They not only had to remove the bacteria but they also had to remove half of her right butt cheek. She was in ICU for a day to recover from her surgery. She then got moved to the post surgerical wing of the hospital. My mom was really starting to make great progress. She was starting to walk around on her floor, going to the bathroom with assistance, taking showers and eating. My family and I thought it was too good to be true, and then we received more bad news. They ended up having to go back in yesterday to remove more of the bacteria that they missed the first time. Now, she is not only missing half of her right butt cheek, but she is now also missing some of her left butt cheek as well. I feel like my family and I can't catch a break.
My parents are the type of people who would help others before taking care of themselves. I want to give back to them, especially after everything they have done for me growing up. If we could all come together and help them through this rough time, that would mean the world to my fiance, siblings, and I, especially since they don't have health insurance and will have to pay everything out of pocket. My family deserves some good news. Anything at this point will help. Thank you in advance.
The children of Ricky & Carol Martin