School Supply Campaign
Today Unheard Voices O.T.C.J. Founders Swift Justice and Nyesha Jones starts in preparation to fund next year’s activities in moving forward with their goals. Unheard Voices O.T.C.J. (Of The Concrete Jungle) was founded in hopes of finding a positive program that will allow the children of incarcerated parents to continue to be apart of their mothers/fathers lives while paying a debt to society. Thus far baby steps have been made in making this a real possibility.  Unfortunately many people have no understanding how a child is effected when a parent is incarcerated. On the other hand others ignore the facts that the incarceration of a parent effects a child at all. Swift Justice’s dream is to start a program that would allow the many effected children to build an unbreakable bond with that parent while they are incarcerated. We will continue to build upon that dream.  Also Unheard Voices O.T.C.J. stands in unity with the national prison movement,started here in Alabama, by the Free Alabama movement. Today men and women across Alabama, and the United States suffer horrendous treatment made applicable by our very own 13th amendment of the U.S. constitution. Unheard Voices O.T.C.J. salutes Robert Earl Council, Melvin Ray, and James Pleasant for their determination and drive to move a nation to end modern-day slavery, and the many injustices that are hidden within our Judicial and prison system. In order to be successful in this WE must come together as we did on August 19th of this year at our nation’s capital and Alabama’s capital. In order to be successful we will need your help to continue to move forward. We ask you all to help us in any way you can even if it’s as little as a dollar. You can donate any amount of funds on Unheard Voices O.T.C.J.’s go fund me page. You can find a link to that page on Facebook- Jones Nyesha.