Photo principale de la cagnotte

Badass Cross Stitch Tour

Don protégé
Weird times call for weird solutions!

For five years, we have been creating real-life art interventions and have built community together. I have seen MAGIC happen - largely thanks to your engagement and bravery. I have seen hearts and minds open, friendships form, hard conversations had, joy shared, and new skills acquired. Isn’t that EXACTLY what we need more of right now? (are you screaming YES!? I am!)

We are living in a divisive and isolating time right now. The cure for that is community! We saw just how powerful the story of Rita’s Quilt was to the world these past few months. Millions of people were inspired by strangers coming together to do something positive and participate in something bigger than themselves.

We all want and need that. Now more than ever!

It’s time to level up and go big! Together, we can bring together new communities (both on and offline). We can find some digital/analog balance. We can create space for challenging conversations. We can teach and learn new skills. We can continue to elevate fiber art in a way no feminist dared to dream before now. We can admire Rita’s Quilt. We can make plans and take action together on the things that matter to us.

Imagine a space full of lovely humans who spend time sharing, talking, reflecting, making, and laughing. A space where folks really get to know each other and engage in productive conversations. Where people are happy to learn something new and share what they already know. A gathering, where at the end of the night, strangers have become friends and friends are planning their next gathering because they enjoyed their experience so much! That is what happens at every. single. stitch-up! 

If you have ever thought, "Damn, I really appreciate the energy and spirit that Badass Cross Stitch is bringing to this world and I want more of that." THIS IS YOUR MOMENT to get more of that!

What I will commit to:

* Toss my lifestyle to the curb and hit the road for at least a year (RV 
   style) to travel all over the US (and some of Canada) to bring art,
   embroidery, activism, feminism, laughter, and Rita’s Quilt of course, to
   all of you. 

* I will teach you how to stitch if you don’t know how

* I will come to your small businesses, community centers, classrooms,
   museums, quilt guilds, art galleries - wherever you want - and host
   stitch ups, teach folks how to stitch, talk, build projects,  and stir some
   shit up.

* I will work with you on creative art interventions for your community

* I’ll go estate sale shopping with you! 

I want to share space, ideas, hugs (if you are comfortable with it), art, and baked goods with every single one of you. You will have to provide the baked goods...I’ll be living in a travel trailer.

What I need you to commit to for this to work:

* Funds - because you believe in the power of art and community and you recognize that value of the work that I do. (And if you love to be clever may I suggest $20.20 )

* Community organizing - I will need leaders to come forward and help
   me organize these gatherings and calls to action. Tell me where I need
   to be, who I should be working with, what sort of things you and your
   community want my support with, and just in general, tell me how I
   can support you as I come through town.

* Ideas - the weirder the better. What sort of shit should we be stirring
   up together? 

* Baked goods - as I mentioned, I will be living in a travel trailer and will need
   baked goods. (I’ve been watching a lot of The Great British Bakeoff)

I plan to hit the road by July 1st and spend at least a year on this tour with my furry co-pilots.

I hope to hit every state and several provinces in Canada. I aim to bring Rita’s Quilt to each stitcher who worked on it so that they can see it and show it off to their community. 

I am here to bring more community, more making, more talking and listening, and more connecting. Invest in experiences and community for 2020. 




Shannon Downey
Chicago, IL

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