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Hello, my beautiful and gentle readers. As you may know, anything that starts that way is obviously asking for something, and this is no exception. I'm reaching out to the readers of my almost five year old blog to help keep my blog running, keep my life moving, and keep my work progressing in the ways you've come to know and love.

You might have noticed that I haven't been posting as much lately. My laptop, which is the lifeblood to all of my creative and professional pursuits, has been on its last legs for almost a year. As a result, Queer Fat Femme, and my other endeavors, have suffered. The relentless documentation of my life is a huge passion of mine and I love populating my blog with photos, but I can no longer process new photos! Lesbian Tea Basket has been put on the back burner, as my computer will no longer play videos. I've also had to table some dire Word Press issues on the back end of the website (my RSS feed is still spotty), and cancel the hosting for the back issues of the FemmeCast podcast.

Aside from the laptop issues, I've had some life struggles that have made it difficult for me to focus on building my femme-pire. Life as a freelance lawyer is not always as glamorous as I make it look, and sometimes I feel that all I can do is hustle hustle hustle, which leaves little time for quality content.

As you know, I strive for excellence in all areas of my life, and this blog is no exception. Each blog post takes between three and twenty hours to write, code, photo edit and publish, with most averaging about six hours. I want to keep bringing you the parade of abundance that you come here for, and I simply can't sustain at the rate I'm going. So I'm asking for your help.

Asking for help is hard, but I know if I don't get ahead, I won't be able to do the work I feel so passionately about. After listening to my friends and my heart, I've come to the realization that I need to open this up to the public.

I have SO MUCH I want to bring you! I'm finalizing my memoir, have several episodes of Lesbian Tea Basket just waiting to be unleashed, have so much love to spread, so much to share about the turns of my life over the past 6 months, and I can't wait to share with you!

If I have I made you smile, helped you cope, given you insight, helped you climb out of a bad relationship, threw a party where you met your sweetie, brought perspective to your messy breakup, or made your life amazing in any other way, that's truly a reward of its own, but warm fuzzies sadly don't pay my vet bills, medical bills or buy a new computer.

SO: I'm starting a Go Fund Me campaign! I've put together some really fun prizes that might be of interest to you, and some of my amazing friends have generously volunteered some work of their own. Of course, I'm hoping you'll contribute because this work is valuable and you want me to continue to be able to do so, but perks don't hurt!

Please consider donating and picking up an awesome gift along the way! Maybe think of it as a subscription to something you love to read and want to sustain! Please consider signal boosting, as well! It's cliche, but every little bit really does help.

I'm raising $5,000 because it's the amount I need to get out from under my mountain but also because it's $1,000 for every year I've been writing this blog!

I am so grateful for the life I live, and for all of you readers for your comments, affection, and strength. I'm also especially grateful for my amazing, worldwide queer family. We're changing the world. Thank you for letting me be a part of it!

Photo by Grace Chu.


  • Hanna Embree
    • $30 
    • 7 yrs


Bevin Branlandingham
Brooklyn, NY

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