Urgent❗️❗️ Help me to save my family life
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My Name is oliana al Shaikh ali , originally from Gaza and currently based in Russia . For too long, I've grappled with the decision of whether to initiate a GoFundMe campaign, but the gravity of my family situation in Gaza has escalated beyond comprehension. My family is now enduring starvation and bombardment. I've shouldered the responsibility of supporting them single-handedly, striving to sustain them through these dire circumstances. However, it's now become impossible to maintain this support. Urgency grips me as I seek to extricate them from the ongoing genocide and get them to safety into Egypt.
I had hoped to secure their safety on my own, but the exorbitant fees demanded at the Gaza/Egypt border render this unfeasible. The latest estimate I received was a staggering $6,000 per person, and with a large family to safeguard, the financial strain is overwhelming. Some family members have resolved to leave, while others remain paralyzed by uncertainty, unable to fathom abandoning their lives and livelihoods without guarantees of return.
I am committed to aiding those who have chosen to depart and offering whatever assistance I can to those opting to stay. However, the enormity of the task exceeds my capacity to shoulder it alone. Hence, I turn to you for support in facilitating my family's safe passage out of Gaza. Fifteen members of my family (my 3 siblings with their families) are seeking to leave, and while I wish I could bear the entire burden, it's simply beyond my means.
Thus, I humbly appeal for your assistance in raising £40,000 to ensure the safe evacuation of my family from Gaza.
Mohammed alsaidi
Brussels, BRU