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Colony Cats Need Relocating DANGER

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17th June 2017 is the DEADline.

I have been caring for a Colony in St George area in Sydney for the past 3 years this July after losing my mum. Prior to her death she threw food to them from her balcony after they had been dumped there as kittens by callous people and have since bred and numbers grown and I made a promise to her on her death bed to continue caring for them (when despite being in excruciating pain from an inoperable bowel obstruction she asked What about the cats? I said I will look after them mummy. I will go every day to feed them).

3 years on I have suffered two mild strokes and dangerously high blood pressure resulting in me losing my THEN job, my partner leaving, being evicted with 18 rescue cats (which are the result of being left with pregnant cats by a person who never came back for them) in tow and having to start again with a new home, new job and a string of debts to be repaid.

I am now working and trying to pay rent alone, pay back rent, rental bond loan and personal debts from where I was evicted and already having 18 rescue cats in my care along with the colony have been feeding 31 cats daily completely from my own pocket leaving virtually nothing for bills and my own personal medications, food and hygiene/clothing needs for my job. I live very frugally - One vegan meal a day but it is still near impossible to put anything aside for anything else. Add to all this desexing costs, vet bills and medications and I am on literally on the breadline. In addition my new job requires me to travel for work all over NSW and when I do it costs me $35 in total to pay carers to feed and change trays for my rescue cats and feed the colony. Recently after my last rural trip for work I got home to find several of my colony cats missing and my 8 week old colony kitten murdered with poison. I have been enduring constant verbal and physical abuse over the 3 years from locals opposed to the colony and me feeding them and have continued to do so despite huge stress bullying and harassment resulting in high blood pressure and bruising from being man handled by these aggressive neighbourhood men. Police failed to do anything and when I reported it was told it would take several court visits which having just started a new job (that is the sole reason we are all surviving) - I could not risk losing by taking time off.

The colony has been moved a couple of times due to danger and threats and is currently in a school which has given me until 17 June to relocate them to my home or they will be forced to involve Council rangers to trap and kill them. After all my efforts love and dedication this is soul destroying to me. So being feral cats I must secure an all weather cat house and cat run and for the number there are it will cost $2999 including delivery.I am desperately seeking cat lovers help in raising the funds needed to get the enclosure for them.

We need shares to all cat pages and cat loving friends but shares alone won't do it. We desperately need help in the way of donations as we have only 10 days to raise the money or more cats will die. I recently desexed and rehomed two kittens from the colony but the rest are wild and need to be socialised which will be a long process so I must secure their safety so I can work on desexing socialising and homing these beautiful babies who have lived such a hard life in their short life span.

Any funds raised over and above the needed amount will be put towards desexing the colony with a view to rehoming in time after socialising. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Hi everyone, please click here to support my GoFundMe campaign, Colony Cats Need Relocating DANGER: need help as I can't do it all alone - I've tried to survive but there is nowhere else I can cut back. Please give generously and encourage others to do the same.TOGETHER WE CAN GIVE THEM A KIFE WIRTH LIVING. Thank you.


Jennifer McCarthy
Monterey, NSW

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