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Kim And Alan Could Use Your Help

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In case you don't know, my sister Kim Oaks Flood was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma to be exact. Her treatment begins next week. Today we are in Raleigh getting MRI, ultrasound and chemotherapy education. This is happening fast, turns out that's normal in these situations. The plan right now is chemo for a few months, then surgery, then radiation. The prognosis is Hopeful and Good! Kim and Alan have great confidence in their team of doctors, and a lot of their family live in the Raleigh area where Kim will receive her treatment. It is unknown when Kim will be able to go back to work. She is a TA for the special needs class at South Brunswick High, a job she loves and looks forward to getting back to! Alan will come to all the treatments he can as well but they are facing GIANT medical bills and lost wages. They live in Carolina Beach but will be traveling to Raleigh frequently. If you would like to donate to help them get these bills paid they would be so grateful. We will be posting updates here on this page as we go and look forward to sharing many great successes in Kim's battle with breast cancer. Would love to hear your success stories as well! Most of us have been touched in some way by cancer. Kim and Alan put their trust in the Great Physician and covet your prayers as they journey."There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear." 1 John 4:18


    • $100 
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Kelly Howard
Apex, NC
Alan Flood

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