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Hi Everybody! Information went out quick and too fast about Baboo's shark attack and we were not able to manage this coconut wireless, actually it scared us that our family would see it before we could tell them personally. So many people apparently suggesting a GoFundMe for him so after a French one here is the English version. Baboo needs your help to create himself a collection of prosthesis to keep embracing life to the fullest! He needs one really quick to start rehabilitation on two legs after his return to France and one later for competition to be able to ski, surf, ect. We are counting on you and your generosity. Thank you for all your support from across the planet, we truly appreciate that !Being so far from home and to have such a great community caring about us is overwarming We will come back in Hawaii one day to finish our trip for sure !Aloha


  • Jerome Vieuxtemps
    • 30 $
    • 7 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Boby Katou
Lihue, HI
michael Coots

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