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Help Me Not Be Homeless

Donativo protegido
For two years, I've been homeless. This is thanks to a disability that prevents me from working, typing, or even focusing for long periods of time. Recently, I found a place to live and my partner's going to help me pay the rent until Social Security realizes I'm disabled and starts giving me the stipend I'm legally allowed since I can't work anymore. Unfortunately, the landlord here wants a deposit.

On the entire house.

From just me.

So I need to raise one month's rent (at least) to secure my room. This is without having furniture still, this is without having my rent for next month or utilities paid. This is just a deposit so I'm not homeless again after two weeks of living in a real room, with real privacy, and real regular showers, and a real kitchen, and a thousand other tiny things I haven't had in two years that make my life not stressful and awful.

I don't really know what to say beyond that - it's just a little bit of money, really, standing between me and homelessness again. Anything extra will go toward furniture and other necessities to ensure that I'm in less pain than normal too (and maybe I'll be able to work on my writing, among other things, again without the constant exhaustion I currently experience).


  • Anónimo
    • 25 $
    • 11 años
  • Fundraising Party and Paypal Donations
    • 590 $ (Fuera de Internet)
    • 11 años


Daniel A Samuelson
Fullerton, CA

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