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Civilizing the Barbarians 2015-16

Donativo protegido
It's a silly thing, but we could use some help starting off the school year right for our boys. Connor and Griffin are going into eighth and fourth grades, respectively, which makes Jess want to sit in a corner, read Proust, and cry.

We got them first-day clothes at Goodwill for a good deal, but supplies add up. Grandma Jenny bought them great new school shoes when she visited this summer, but we don't get support (or contact, really) from Jess' family.

We're offering a few backer levels, just for the hell of it, but if there's something you'd like Cam or Jess to do for you that's not listed, just mention it in the comments or catch us on twitter (@boymonster and @profbanks).

Any money beyond the cost of supplies will go toward extracurricular lessons and educational field trips, which will be documented for your entertainment on social media.


  • Tess Snider
    • 5 $
    • 9 años


Jessica Banks
St. Paul, MN

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