My Sister Battle Is My Battle
Lucette Tshiyonga, has been suffering from lung complications, and waiting for a double lung transplant. She was a wife, a daughter and a mother of two beautiful children. I thank God for her life. I know that you are in a better place.
I am forced to talk about you in past. I can still perceive the sound of your voice, your smile.
Lucelle was the type of woman you go to war beside, a true fighter. She had no fear, she was sculpted to be her own hero, a warrior that kept picking herself back up. You will be missed Lucelle. May your soul rest in peace.
Let's support her family together.
We are thanking the cheerful givers, friends, church members, family members for your prayers, donations and for all you have done.... Let's go the extra mile for her husband Mathy and her children.
The Lord to bless your kindness
Lucelle and Mathy family.