Let's Get Kids on Bikes!
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Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Tri Velo Series and any donation will help make an impact.
I am not obsessed with riding a bicycle but I am obsessed with getting kids on bikes. All kids but especially kids that have less than others - those that are on the sidelines. The benefits of cycling for kids are many:
- It is simply great fun
- It keeps them physically active
- It helps their mental health and learning: did you know that kids that ride their bikes to school are more focused and ready to learn versus kids that are driven?
- It helps social development - they get to interact with other kids that ride bikes - it is a great social activity
- Easy to learn - Riding a bike is one of the kids’ activities that requires little skills.
- The whole family can participate
- It is good for the environment - the more kids that ride a bike at a younger age, the more chance there is that they will use their bike for transport in the future - instead of a car!
- It provides a freedom - allowing a kid to get to places that they might not be able to get to - a local park, a friends house
And for some kids it provides an opportunity to reach beyond the stresses in their lives. But for some there are obstacles. Bikes can be costly. And you need a helmet and a lock. And sometimes you don't know where to ride or you can't get there. There are so many obstacles and because of that cycling is a predominantly white, male, educated, rich sport. Tri Velo Series is trying to help change that.
Tri Velo Series, is a camp program we founded in the Fall of 2015. We have seen many kids go through the camps. One of the greatest things is when the kids are there on bikes they are all equal - they are just having fun! Some race their bikes and some just enjoy riding them. There are camp alumni that have become professional cyclists and there are camp alumni that ride their bikes for fun.
This year we will be partnering with Sun Valley Youth Center - providing opportunities for their kids to join in at camps. Through the years, I have worked hard to get new bikes donated and they now have a nice group of bikes, but they need to learn to ride and they need to have opportunities to ride with others. We will be providing full scholarships to the kids from SVYC to all our camps.
Any amount makes a difference. Thanks for your consideration.
Deirdre Moynihan
Denver, CO
Tri Velo Series (Deirdre M Moynihan Sole Mbr)