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Reyna Family moving to a safe home

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Hi my name is Melanie my husband is Tony and we have three wonderful children. Mikayla our oldest who is 11, Andrew our son who is 7 and our youngest Charlotte who is 3.  Tony and I are trying to raise funds to move to a safer house for us and our three kids. We have to pay to break our lease and come up with money for first month’s rent deposits and transfer fees for all utilities.
We have lived in our home for almost three years. It is not in the best neighborhood but we have never been afraid to live there until recently.

About two weeks ago I came from work around 2:30 a.m. not long after I got home I heard six gunshots. I saw a guy running down our street followed by a police car. The guys threw the gun in someone’s yard so they spent the next several hours searching our neighborhood. A couple days later we were heading home from my mom’s house to find our street completely blocked off. There was a homicide on the street corner across from our house, when I tried to find the story online I found out there was another shooting a couple streets over, three shootings in less than a week within walking distance of our home. Two days later the police were in front of our house again. The next night tony called me at work from home, he heard three gunshots. At this point we decided it was time to move. The next day we sent the kids to my sister’s house until we figured out what to do. Tony was home alone, when he went to take out the trash there was 6 police officers and a K-9 unit in the driveway. They asked to search the back yard for the person they were after, of course tony complied. The K-9 picked up the suspects scent in our storage room out back but he was no longer there. Come to find out he was hiding in our neighbor’s house. Tony went out and asked one of the officers about the multiple shootings in the last week. The officer said “We really can’t say anything because the investigation is still open, but the shootings aren’t random.” On his way back into the house tony noticed a bullet hole in the wall between the front door and our bedroom window.
At this point we decided it is no longer safe to even stay in the house. The five of us and our puppy are staying in a spare room at my mom and dad’s house.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our story any help is greatly appreciated.


Melanie Jakus
Avondale, AZ
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