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Donations For Garrett Chipman

Donazione protetta
Hi everyone. I'm sure a lot of you have heard that my brother, Garrett has been diagnosed with cancer. He found out just days after his 21st birthday and half way through his junior year at San Diego State University . He had been experiencing severe migraines and loss of vision. When he went to the optometrist they found a build up of fluid behind his eyes. After an MRI, they discovered it was a mass that was blocking his spinal fluid from draining regularly. The surgeons in San Diego diagnosed him with stage 3 Anaplastic Astrocytoma cancer of the brain. In San Diego he has already undergone two surgeries. One of which was able to laser out a good portion of the tumor. The other surgery was to insert a shunt to drain the built up spinal fluid surrounding his brain. Unfortunately, due to his condition he had to move back home to the Bay Area. Now back home he is getting a second opinion on next steps from UCSF whether it be chemo, radiation or both. The medical bills from the first two surgeries and multiple MRIs are already more than my family can handle, and we still have a long road ahead of us. Garrett is the most positive, generous, kind-hearted person I know and he has such a bright future still ahead of him. Anything that anyone can donate would help my family tremendously, prayers included. Even if you are unable to donate , please share his story to help our family in this time of need.

The money will go to mine and Garrett's mother, Rebecca Chipman to pay for his treatments.


  • Jensen Ditzler
    • $30
    • 7 yrs

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Brooke Chipman
Brentwood, CA
Becky Chipman

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